Beware of counterfeits!

Thank you very much for choosing HST Medical products. We have recently learned of counterfeit versions of Rheuma-Salve Balm being manufactured and sold illegally, with improper use of our company logo. While these products look similar to authentic products at first glance, the quality fail to meet our standards.

Please purchase products only from our authorized stores to avoid purchasing counterfeit versions by mistake. We will not offer any quality assurance for products that have not been purchased through our authorised distributors, dealers or resellers.

We encourage you, our customers to join us to combat counterfeits by reporting known or suspected counterfeits to us by sending us an email.

As brand owner, we strive to deliver safe and high quality products to our customers, and hence will not hesitate to take legal actions against such illegal counterfeiters and distributors if deem necessary.

Thank you for your support in protecting our customers and preventing the distribution of counterfeit products!


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