Useful health-related resources

Here are some online references that may be useful. We will update this page with more resources as we find them.

As always, consult your medical professionals for all health, fitness, and nutrition-related queries. Anything we present on this website is for educational purposes only. We wish you the best of health and joy!

HealthHub SG

This is a great starting point for Singapore residents (or anyone) to learn more about health and fitness and related trends, with subjects related to general health, mental health, medications, parenting, and much more.


This is a great resource about various diseases and conditions from the World Health Organization (WHO), presented in an easy question-and-answer (Q&A) format.


This colossal online reference of the U.S. Government Department of Health and Human Services amasses volumes of resources such as a medical encyclopedia, drugs, supplements, healthy recipes, genetic conditions, and general health topics.

WHO Mental Health Resources

The World Health Organization (WHO) has an online resource related to mental health, with topics such as depression and stress management.

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